A Three day FDP on “Comprehending Quality Aspects in NAAC Accreditation Process” was organized From 22.05.2023 to 24.05.2023 by IQAC of SUMCTE, with an objective to update the faculty members about the, Criterion and key indicators formed by NAAC. More than 20 participants took part in the program. Five experts from various colleges were invited to share their wisdom and experiences on the topic.

Day 1 (22.05.2023)
The First session started at 10:30am. The venue was smart classroom of the college. The programme started at 10:00 am with a key note address by Dr. C.V Jayasree, Principal, SUMCTE. She introduced the Resource Person to the participants. Miss Shincy Mohan, Asst. Professor of English, SUMCTE extended a Welcome to the resource person. Soumya.C.K, Asst. Professor of English, Gurudev Arts and Science college, Mathil was invited as the resource person. It was an insightful session on the topic “Quality Aspects in NAAC Accreditation”. Detailed discussion was done by taking each criterion and key indicators formed by NAAC. The session ended at 2;00 Pm with a vote of thanks by Krishna Kumar, Asst.Professor of Social Science, SUMCTE.
DAY 2 (23.05.2023)
The Second day of FDP started with a keynote speech by Dr.C.V Jayasree, Principal, SUMCTE. She gave an introduction about the resource team. Miss Shincy Mohan, Asst.professor of English, SUMCTE welcomed the resource team. The resource team were D.r Jessy N.C, , Dr.Prasanth Mathew, Dr. Veena Appukuttan, all were from P.K.M College. The topic was “Teacher Education Colleges and NAAC Accreditation. A detailed discussion was done on the NAAC Accreditation criterion and new metrics particularly for Teacher Education Institutions. The session was very informative and interactive. The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Mrs. Praseetha, Asst. Professor of Natural Science,
DAY 3 (24.05.2023)
The Final day of FDP began with a welcome note by George Joseph, Asst. Professor of Psychology, SUMCTE.. The resource person for the session was Mrs. Anusha C.V, Asst. Professor of English, St Francis De Sales College, Bangalore. The topic was “Role of Teachers in Enhancing Academic and Administartive Excellence.”
An elaborated discussion was done on the day. The talk was very beneficial to the particiapants. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Shincy Mohan, Asst. Professor of English, SUMCTE.
All the session were successfully conducted by various experts by highlighting NAAC system guidelines, criterion, new metrics for accreditation. One of the main feature of the FDP organized by IQAC of SUM college was the programme was conducted not only for faculties but also for the students of SUMCTE. Students were also asked to attend the programme with a vision that students involvement, participation would be very much beneficial for the NAAC accreditation process. All the participants actively participated in all the sessions and gave a positive feedback about the programme. Certificates were distributed to all the resource persons and participants. Altogether the three day faculty development programme provided an enlightening and enriching experience for all us.