In our Indian culture, women hold a divine position in roles like mother, daughter, wife, etc., which is highly valued in history and even depicted in movies.
However, in today’s modern society, although women are seen striving for education and independence, their mental and physical health issues are often overlooked. Like our physical health concerns, mental health issues among women are increasingly being recognized.
Reaching puberty marks the onset of mental health issues for women. The pre-menstrual disorder occurs at the start of menstruation. Symptoms are evident a week before menstruation (irritability, depression, fatigue). Apart from physical problems, about 8% of women experience mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
The act of giving birth or giving birth to a daughter is considered significant, but many women face various mental health issues during pregnancy, ranging from stress to depression. Postpartum depression is a significant mental health issue observed in many women after childbirth. It manifests as mood swings, distress, and lack of interest in daily activities.
The period after childbirth is also crucial, as many women experience postpartum depression within the first six to eight weeks, marked by symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, and concerns about the baby’s health. Postpartum depression often goes untreated or undiagnosed, leading to tragic events like infanticide, particularly in Kerala, where a variation in the serotonin levels in cerebrospinal fluid, caused by sevoflurane, is cited as a contributing factor.
One of the most severe postpartum mental health issues is postpartum psychosis. It involves unfounded fears, doubts, insomnia, and, in severe cases, unnatural aggression towards the newborn, often attributed to fluctuations in dopamine levels.
After the end of menstruation, some women experience mental health issues due to hormonal changes, which affect the functioning of hormones that have supported reproduction. This transition can lead to hormonal imbalances, causing mood swings and depression.
Moreover, when women are solely responsible for caregiving at home for a prolonged period due to chronic health issues, their mental health deteriorates. In such cases, the mental resilience of those caring for others diminishes naturally over time.
Family support, care, and affection, along with appropriate exercises like yoga, can significantly contribute to improving women’s mental health.