Date: 30/09/2024

Venue: General hall

In order to commemorate Prof. M.S. Swaminathan (7 Aug, 1925- 28, Sep, 2023) on the occasion of his first death anniversary a programme was conducted jointly by IQAC SUMCTE and Nature club.

A commemoration talk and quiz competition were organised by the students.

The programme commenced at 2 pm. The welcome speech was delivered by Ms. Ameya C., the programme was presided over by Manya C.M. The commemoration talk was given by Mr. Anaswar Prasannan. Felicitations were offered by Ms. Theertha P. (Vice chairperson).

The talk mainly focused on the life and contributions of Prof. M.S. Swaminathan, how he managed to change India from a food grain importing nation to a food surplus nation. The identification of the potential of dwarf wheat varieties by him led to dramatic change in the productivity of wheat and rice in India. How Swaminathan’s efforts led India to be independent from the threats made by Western powers were also discussed. He also addressed the negative effects of green revolution and continuously gave awareness to the farmers to not change green revolution to greed revolution. His efforts also led to the development of gene banks in many countries. His contributions to India and the world were also acknowledged by Dr. Norman Borlaug. His contributions must not be forgotten.

After the commemoration talk the quiz programme was conducted. Ms. Aiswarya M.K., Ms. Nysha Renjith, Mr. Anaswar Prasannan were the quiz masters. It consisted of three rounds, it was a close competition and the team consisting of Mr. Aswin O. and Ms. Naseeba K.M. (Physical Science Department) got the first position. Second position was shared by two teams Mr. Muhammed Aslam and Mr. Sayooj V. (Social Science Department) and Ms Sarika P. and Ms. Nisva N.P. (Social Science Department).

The programme ended with a formal vote of thanks by Ms. Anagha P.K.